Saturday, September 3, 2011

Cores, Skins, & Cobs

In those August highlights, I forgot to mention that the interns spent a couple of mornings up the road at the Fellowship Community helping them process their harvest.  The Fellowship is an intentional community that focuses on the care of the elderly; it is surrounded by a farm that provides food for the "members" (residents) and "co-workers" (staff) as they are called.  We helped peel, core, juice, and can about 500 pounds of tomatoes the first morning.  The second morning found us stripping nearly 300 pounds of corn kernels from the cobs for freezing.  Josh's girlfriend Mary was visiting from California that week and she joined us for this food processing extravaganza.  Her artistic contribution is pictured below:

I'd like to see the tomato fish swimming in a sea of basil.

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